Tag: deer hunting

the finest, most comfortable, and uniquely designed knives

VA Blade is excited about this great review!

“Outdoorsmen are drawn to knives like women are to shoes, and I admittedly have a lot of inferior knives that I never use, especially since I discovered VA Blade knives. These are the finest, most comfortable, and uniquely designed knives I have ever held in my hand. When it comes to skinning Whitetails, the “Crosscut” is my personal favorite. It has the feel of a fine surgeons scalpel and is designed to fit the hand in multiple positions depending on the task. I also love my Marshall’s Oyster knife with it’s built in beverage opener. What a quality alternative to show off at your next oyster shuckin’. If you want the best, buy a VA Blade, or better yet, buy a ‘pair’!”

J. “Cuda” Jones
Chesterfield, VA